9th European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association
by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
May 31 - June 1, 2019
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Local Organizers: Hans Koster, Jos van Ommeren, Jan Rouwendal (VU Amsterdam).
Tinbergen Institute,
Gustav Mahlerplein 117,
1082 MS Amsterdam.
Program Committee:
Elisabet Viladecans (Barcelona, Chair),
Miren Lafourcade (Paris, Past Chair),
Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI, Vice Chair),
Pierre-Phillipe Combes (Sciences Po),
Max von Ehrlich (Bern),
Gabrielle Fack (Paris Dauphine),
Ines Helm (Stockholm),
Camille Hémet (Ecole Normale Superieure),
Guy Michaels (LSE),
Joan Monras (CEMFI),
Olmo Silva (LSE),
Helen Simpson (Bristol),
Lin Tian (INSEAD),
Nick Tsivanidis (Berkeley).
Detailed Program
May 31, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room 1.60)
01A. Neighbourhoods
Chair: Ahmad Hassani (Aarhus University)
- Bence Boje-Kovacs, Aske Egsgaard, Cecilie Weatherall
Residential Mobility and Persistent Neighborhood Deprivation
Presented by Bence Boje-Kovacs (Kraks Fond Institute for Urban Economic Research)
Discussed by Nicolás González Pampillón (What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth - LSE)
- Fernando Borraz, Felipe Carozzi, Nicolás González Pampillón, Leandro Zipitria
Gentrifying Neighborhoods and Local Retail Prices
Presented by Nicolás González Pampillón (What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth - LSE)
Discussed by Ahmad Hassani (Aarhus University)
- Anna Piil Damm, Ahmad Hassani, Marie Schultz-Nielsen
Residential Segregation in Denmark 1986-2016
Presented by Ahmad Hassani (Aarhus University)
Discussed by Bence Boje-Kovacs (Kraks Fond Institute for Urban Economic Research)
^May 31, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room 1.01)
01B. Traffic, Congestion and Cities
Chair: Paola Bertoli (University of Economics in Prague)
- Gabriel Kreindler
The Welfare Effect of Road Congestion Pricing: Experimental Evidence and Equilibrium Implications
Presented by Gabriel Kreindler (Becker Friedman Institute, University of Chocago)
Discussed by Paola Bertoli (University of Economics in Prague)
- Paola Bertoli, Veronica Grembi
The Political Cycle of Road Traffic Accidents
Presented by Paola Bertoli (University of Economics in Prague)
Discussed by Tobias Seidel (University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Tobias Seidel, Jan Wickerath
Rush Hours and Urbanization
Presented by Tobias Seidel (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Discussed by Cong Peng (London School of Economics)
- Cong Peng
Can E-commerce Reduce Traffic Congestion? Evidence from Alibaba Single Day Shopping Event
Presented by Cong Peng (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Gabriel Kreindler (Becker Friedman Institute, University of Chocago)
^May 31, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room Moscow)
01C. Crime
Chair: Federico Curci (CUNEF)
- Timo Hener
Noise Pollution and Violence
Presented by Timo Hener (Aarhus University)
Discussed by Magdalena Domínguez Pérez (University of Barcelona & IEB)
- Magdalena Domínguez Pérez, Daniel Montolio
Bolstering Community Ties and Its Effect on Crime: Evidence From a Quasi-random Experiment
Presented by Magdalena Domínguez Pérez (University of Barcelona & IEB)
Discussed by Kilian Heilmann (University of Southern California)
- Kilian Heilmann
Neighborhood Quality of Life Dynamics During Extreme Heat: Implications for the Distributional Effects of Climate Change
Presented by Kilian Heilmann (University of Southern California)
Discussed by Federico Curci (CUNEF)
- Federico Curci, Federico Masera
Flight from Urban Blight: Lead Poisoning, Crime and Suburbanization
Presented by Federico Curci (CUNEF)
Discussed by Timo Hener (Aarhus University)
^May 31, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room Sydney)
01D. Housing I
Chair: John Clapp (University of Connecticut)
- Jan Rouwendal
How Durable Are Buildings? Vintage Effects in the Price of Commercial Real Estate
Presented by Jan Rouwendal (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Discussed by Christopher Cunningham (Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta)
- arnab biswasa, Christopher Cunningham, Kristopher Gerardi
Do VPROs Ameliorate Foreclosure Price Externalities? Evidence from Florida
Presented by Christopher Cunningham (Federal Reserve Bank Atlanta)
Discussed by Nikodem Szumilo (LSE)
- Nikodem Szumilo
New Mortgage Lenders and the Housing Market.
Presented by Nikodem Szumilo (LSE)
Discussed by Ina Blind (Lund University)
- Ina Blind, Matz Dahlberg
Parental Home Ownership and Children’s Housing Situation: Causal Evidence from Tenure Conversions in Stockholm
Presented by Ina Blind (Lund University)
Discussed by Jan Rouwendal (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
^May 31, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room Amsterdam)
01E. Urban Theory
Chair: Jens Wrona (Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf)
- Roman Zakharenko
Optimal Coercion in Property Assembly
Presented by Roman Zakharenko (National Research Univeristy Higher School of Economics)
Discussed by Yue Li (The World Bank)
- Yue Li, Martin Rama
Private Cities:Implications for Urban Policy in Developing Countries
Presented by Yue Li (The World Bank)
Discussed by Pierre Picard (Universite de Luxembourg)
- Pierre Picard, Harris Selod
The Transformation of Urban Land Rights and the Extent of the Formal City in Developing Countries
Presented by Pierre Picard (Universite de Luxembourg)
Discussed by Jens Wrona (Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf)
- Tomoya Mori, Jens Wrona
Inter-city Trade
Presented by Jens Wrona (Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf)
Discussed by Roman Zakharenko (National Research Univeristy Higher School of Economics)
^May 31, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room Shanghai)
01F. New Technologies and Cities
Chair: Rosa Sanchis-Guarner (Imperial College Business School and CEP/LSE)
- Kentaro Nakajima, Tsuyoshi Tsuru, Katsuhito Uehara
Impact of Workplace Communication Networks on Productivity: A New Approach Using Wearable Sensors
Presented by Kentaro Nakajima (Hitotsubashi University)
Discussed by Clément Mazet-Sonilhac (Sciences Po Paris, Banque de France)
- Juan Carluccio, Clement Malgouyres, Thierry Mayer, Clément Mazet-Sonilhac
Technology-induced Trade Shocks? Evidence from Broadband Expansion in France
Presented by Clément Mazet-Sonilhac (Sciences Po Paris, Banque de France)
Discussed by Ulrich Zierahn (ZEW Mannheim)
- Terry Gregory, Anna Salomons, Ulrich Zierahn
Racing With or Against the Machine? Evidence from Europe
Presented by Ulrich Zierahn (ZEW Mannheim)
Discussed by Rosa Sanchis-Guarner (Imperial College Business School and CEP/LSE)
- Rosa Sanchis-Guarner, Felix Weinhardt
ICT and Education: Evidence from Student Home Addresses
Presented by Rosa Sanchis-Guarner (Imperial College Business School and CEP/LSE)
Discussed by Kentaro Nakajima (Hitotsubashi University)
May 31, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room Moscow)
02A. Housing II
Chair: Martijn Smit (Utrecht University)
- Pierre-Philippe Combes, Gilles Duranton, Laurent Gobillon
The Production Function for Housing: Evidence from France
Presented by Gilles Duranton (University of Pennsylvania)
Discussed by David Genesove (Hebrew U Jerusalem)
- David Genesove, Daniel Levy, Avichai Snir
The Elasticity of Substitution of Capital for Land in Multi-Unit Housing
Presented by David Genesove (Hebrew U Jerusalem)
Discussed by Martijn Smit (Utrecht University)
- Andrea Caragliu, Martijn Smit
Who’s right, Weber or Glaeser?
Presented by Martijn Smit (Utrecht University)
Discussed by Gilles Duranton (University of Pennsylvania)
^May 31, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room 1.01)
02B. Rental Markets
Chair: Hans Koster (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Guillaume Chapelle, Jean Benoit Eymeoud
Can Big Data Increase our Knowledge of Local Rental Markets ?
Presented by Jean Benoit Eymeoud (LIEPP SciencesPo)
Discussed by Lea Eilers (RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research)
- Philipp Breidenbach, Lea Eilers, Jan Fries
Rent Control and Rental Prices: High Expectations, High Effectiveness?
Presented by Lea Eilers (RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research)
Discussed by Aske Egsgaard (University of Copenhagen)
- Aske Egsgaard, Anders Holm, Lars Geerdsen, Ditte Lyngemark
Do Sharing Economies Change the Cities: Evidence from the Rapid Growth of Airbnb in the Copenhagen Metropolitan Area
Presented by Aske Egsgaard (University of Copenhagen)
Discussed by Hans Koster (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Hans Koster, Jos van Ommeren, Nicolas Volkhausen
Short-term Rentals and the Housing Market: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Airbnb in Los Angeles
Presented by Hans Koster (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Discussed by Jean Benoit Eymeoud (LIEPP SciencesPo)
^May 31, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room 1.60)
02C. Ethnic Diversity and Segregation
Chair: Jessie Bakens (Maastricht University)
- Lino Galiana
Dynamic Approach of Spatial Segregation: a Framework with Mobile Phone Data
Presented by Lino Galiana (INSEE)
Discussed by Kurt Schmidheiny (University of Basel)
- Vernon Henderson, Ulrich Eberle, Dominic Rohner, Kurt Schmidheiny
Ethno-Linguistic Diversity and City Size
Presented by Kurt Schmidheiny (University of Basel)
Discussed by Jessie Bakens (Maastricht University)
- Jessie Bakens
Living Apart Together: the Economic Value of Ethnic Diversity in Cities
Presented by Jessie Bakens (Maastricht University)
Discussed by Lino Galiana (INSEE)
^May 31, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room Amsterdam)
02D. Local Labour Markets I
Chair: Jordi Jofre-Monseny (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)
- Richard Mansfield
How Local Are U.S. Labor Markets?: Using an Assignment Model to Forecast the Geographic and Skill Incidence of Local Labor Demand Shocks
Presented by Richard Mansfield (University of Colorado-Boulder)
Discussed by Juan Chauvin (Inter-American Development Bank)
- Juan Chauvin
Gender-Segmented Labor Markets and the Effects of Local Demand Shocks
Presented by Juan Chauvin (Inter-American Development Bank)
Discussed by Capucine Riom (London School of Economics)
- Max Nathan, Henry Overman, Capucine Riom, Maria Sanchez Vidal
Multipliers From a Major Public Sector Relocation: the BBC’s Move to Manchester
Presented by Capucine Riom (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Jordi Jofre-Monseny (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)
- Lidia Farre, Jordi Jofre-Monseny, Juan Torrecillas
Commuting Time and Female Labor Force Participation
Presented by Jordi Jofre-Monseny (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)
Discussed by Richard Mansfield (University of Colorado-Boulder)
^May 31, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room Shanghai)
02E. Transportation I
Chair: Stephan Heblich (University of Bristol)
- Ismir Mulalic, Bruno De Borger, Jan Rouwendal
Productivity Effects of an Exogenous Improvement in Transport Infrastructure: the Bridge
Presented by Ismir Mulalic (DTU and Kraks Fond)
Discussed by Csaba Gabor Pogonyi (Imperial College London)
- Csaba Gabor Pogonyi, Daniel Graham, Jose Carbo
Metros, Agglomeration Shadow and Firm Productivity: Evidence from London
Presented by Csaba Gabor Pogonyi (Imperial College London)
Discussed by Miren Lafourcade (University Paris-Sud and PSE)
- Pierre-Philippe Combes, Laurent Gobillon, Miren Lafourcade
Labour Productivity Gains from the “Greater Paris Express” Rail Project
Presented by Miren Lafourcade (University Paris-Sud and PSE)
Discussed by Stephan Heblich (University of Bristol)
- Stephan Heblich
The Spatial Impacts of a Massive Rail Disinvestment Program: The Beeching Axe
Presented by Stephan Heblich (University of Bristol)
Discussed by Ismir Mulalic (DTU and Kraks Fond)
^May 31, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room Sydney)
02F. Amenities, Land Use and Land Value
Chair: Arianna Ornaghi (University of Warwick)
- Elisabetta Pietrostefani
Conservation Planning and Informal Institutions: Heterogenous Patterns in Italian Cities
Presented by Elisabetta Pietrostefani (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Marco Fregoni (University of Milan)
- Marco Fregoni, Marco Leonardi, Sauro Mocetti
The Real Effects of Land Use Regulation: Quasi-experimental Evidence From a Discontinuous Policy Variation
Presented by Marco Fregoni (University of Milan)
Discussed by Simon Büchler (University of Bern)
- Simon Büchler, Yashar Blouri, Olivier Schoeni
The Geography of Housing Subsidies
Presented by Simon Büchler (University of Bern)
Discussed by Arianna Ornaghi (University of Warwick)
- Greg Howard, Arianna Ornaghi
Closing Time: The Local Amenity Effects of Prohibition
Presented by Arianna Ornaghi (University of Warwick)
Discussed by Elisabetta Pietrostefani (London School of Economics)
May 31, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room Moscow)
03A. Student Prize I
Chair: Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)
- Luisa Doerr, Stefanie Gaebler
Does Highway Access Influence Local Tax Factors? Evidence From German Municipalities
Presented by Luisa Doerr (ifo Institute for economic research)
Discussed by Marta Santamaria (Universitat Pompeu Fabra / BGSE)
- Marta Santamaria
The Gains from Reshaping Infrastructure: Evidence from the Division of Germany
Presented by Marta Santamaria (Universitat Pompeu Fabra / BGSE)
Discussed by Eunjee Kwon (University of Southern California, USC)
- Eunjee Kwon
Transportation as an Unbundling Technology: High-speed Rail and the Migration Decision of Heterogeneous Households
Presented by Eunjee Kwon (University of Southern California, USC)
Discussed by Benjamin Carantino (Paris School of Economics)
- Benjamin Carantino, Antton Haramboure
A Streetcar Named Desire ... of a Job ! Can Light-weight Rail Transit Mitigate Spatial Mismatch ?
Presented by Benjamin Carantino (Paris School of Economics)
Discussed by Luisa Doerr (ifo Institute for economic research)
^May 31, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room Amsterdam)
03B. Student Prize II
Chair: Ferdinand Rauch (Oxford)
- Matthew Sharp
The Labour Market Impacts of Female Internal Migration: Evidence From a Natural Experiment in South Africa
Presented by Matthew Sharp (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Juan Torrecillas (Universitat de Barcelona )
- Juan Torrecillas
The Spatial Origins of Gender Roles
Presented by Juan Torrecillas (Universitat de Barcelona )
Discussed by Martin Fernandez Sanchez (Paris School of Economics)
- Martin Fernandez Sanchez
Mass Migration and Education over a Century: Evidence from the Galician Diaspora in Latin America
Presented by Martin Fernandez Sanchez (Paris School of Economics)
Discussed by Javier Quintana Gonzalez (Bocconi University, Milan)
- Javier Quintana Gonzalez
Imports Competition, Regional Divergence and the Rise of the Skilled City
Presented by Javier Quintana Gonzalez (Bocconi University, Milan)
Discussed by Matthew Sharp (London School of Economics)
^May 31, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room Shanghai)
03C. Student Price III
Chair: Stuart Rosenthal (Syracuse University)
- Matthijs Korevaar
The First Housing Bubble? The housing market in historical Amsterdam
Presented by Matthijs Korevaar (Maastricht University)
Discussed by Margarida Madaleno (London School of Economics)
- Margarida Madaleno
How Does Housing Investment Affect Family Composition? Evidence from Area-based Discrimination
Presented by Margarida Madaleno (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Rui Yu (Wharton School)
- Rui Yu
Returns to Political Contributions: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Housing Supply Regulation
Presented by Rui Yu (Wharton School)
Discussed by Tatiana Mocanu (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
- Tatiana Mocanu
Beyond Tuition: Cost of Living and College Affordability
Presented by Tatiana Mocanu (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Discussed by Matthijs Korevaar (Maastricht University)
^May 31, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room Sydney)
03D. Student Prize IV
Chair: Kurt Schmidheiny (University of Basel)
- Johannes Fleck, Chima Simpson-Bell
Public Insurance in Heterogeneous Fiscal Federations: Evidence from American Households
Presented by Johannes Fleck (European University Institute)
Discussed by Gabriel Loumeau (ETH Zurich)
- Gabriel Loumeau
Locating Public Facilities: Theory and Micro Evidence from Paris
Presented by Gabriel Loumeau (ETH Zurich)
Discussed by Nicolas Jannin (Paris School of Economics)
- Nicolas Jannin, Aurélie Sotura
Local Public Good Spillovers: Theory and Evidence From French Cities
Presented by Nicolas Jannin (Paris School of Economics)
Discussed by Johannes Fleck (European University Institute)
^May 31, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room 1.01)
03E. Student Prize V
Chair: Miren Lafourcade (University Paris-Sud and PSE)
- Guohao Yang
Infrastructure and Global Value Chain Position: Evidence from China
Presented by Guohao Yang (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Discussed by Weidi Yuan (University of Geneva)
- Difei Ouyang, Weidi Yuan
China Syndrome Redux: New Results on Global Labor Reallocation
Presented by Weidi Yuan (University of Geneva)
Discussed by Yue Yu (Columbia University)
- Yue Yu
Land Use Regulation and Economic Development: Evidence from the Farmland Red Line Policy in China
Presented by Yue Yu (Columbia University)
Discussed by Guohao Yang (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
^May 31, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room 1.60)
03F. Student Prize VI
Chair: Ismir Mulalic (DTU and Kraks Fond)
- Agustín Indaco
From Twitter to GDP: Estimating Economic Activity From Social Media
Presented by Agustín Indaco (CUNY, The Graduate Center)
Discussed by Carles Méndez-Ortega (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
- Carles Méndez-Ortega
Place the ‘Candy’ and ‘Crush’ it: Entry Determinants of the Software and Video Games Firms in Barcelona
Presented by Carles Méndez-Ortega (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Discussed by Caitlin Gorback (The Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania)
- Caitlin Gorback
Your Uber has Arrived: Ridesharing and the Redistribution of Economic Activity
Presented by Caitlin Gorback (The Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania)
Discussed by Agustín Indaco (CUNY, The Graduate Center)
May 31, 2019 16:45 to 17:45 (Keizersgracht 102)
Keynote Lecture by Diego Puga
- Konstantin BuechelMaximilian von EhrlichDiego Puga, Elisabet Viladecans
Calling From the Outside: The Role of Networks in Residential Mobility
Presented by Diego Puga (CEMFI)
May 31, 2019 18:00 to 19:00 (Keizersgracht 102)
Keynote Lecture by Alan Manning
- Alan Manning
Monopsony and Mobility in Urban Labour Markets
Presented by Alan Manning (LSE)
June 1, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room Moscow)
04A. Local Public Finance I
Chair: Geert Goeyvaerts (KU Leuven)
- Fanny Alivon, Manon Garrouste, Rachel Guillain
Urban and Education Place-based Policies: Effect on Academic Achievement
Presented by Manon Garrouste (Université de Lille)
Discussed by Marcus Roller (University of Bern)
- Marcus Roller
Structural Elasticities of Tax-Induced Mobility
Presented by Marcus Roller (University of Bern)
Discussed by Carlos Hurtado (University of Richmond)
- Carlos Hurtado
Behavioral Responses to Spatial Tax Notches in the Retail Gasoline Market.
Presented by Carlos Hurtado (University of Richmond)
Discussed by Geert Goeyvaerts (KU Leuven)
- Geert Goeyvaerts, Erik Buyst
Reconstructing Cities: Stimulating Redevelopment Through the Tax Code
Presented by Geert Goeyvaerts (KU Leuven)
Discussed by Manon Garrouste (Université de Lille)
^June 1, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room Amsterdam)
04B. Agglomeration Economies
Chair: Olmo Silva (London School of Economics)
- Stuart Rosenthal, William Strange
Building Specialization, Anchor Tenants and Agglomeration Economies
Presented by Stuart Rosenthal (Syracuse University)
Discussed by Mathieu Steijn (Utrecht University)
- Mathieu Steijn, Hans Koster, Frank van Oort
Industry Agglomeration Over Time: Evidence from 44 Years of Coagglomeration Patterns
Presented by Mathieu Steijn (Utrecht University)
Discussed by Fernando Carriazo (Universidad del Rosario-PSGIR)
- Fernando Carriazo, Oscar Quiroz
An Efficiency Analysis of Intra-Urban Firm Agglomerations in Bogotá, Colombia.
Presented by Fernando Carriazo (Universidad del Rosario-PSGIR)
Discussed by Olmo Silva (London School of Economics)
- Giulia Faggio, Olmo Silva, William Strange
Tales of the City: What Do Agglomeration Cases Tell Us About Agglomeration in General?
Presented by Olmo Silva (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Stuart Rosenthal (Syracuse University)
^June 1, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room Shanghai)
04C. Transportation II
Chair: Florin Cucu (Sciences Po)
- Yusuke Adachi
Why did Highways Cause Suburbanization? The Role of Highway Congestion
Presented by Yusuke Adachi (Nagoya University)
Discussed by Zachary Liscow (Yale University)
- Leah Brooks, Zachary Liscow
Infrastructure Costs
Presented by Zachary Liscow (Yale University)
Discussed by Alexander Klein (University of Kent)
- Alexander Klein
Transport Costs in the Age of Highways: Evidence from the US Interstate Highway System 1960-2000.
Presented by Alexander Klein (University of Kent)
Discussed by Florin Cucu (Sciences Po)
- Florin Cucu
Roads, Migration and the Spatial Sorting of US Workers by Skill
Presented by Florin Cucu (Sciences Po)
Discussed by Yusuke Adachi (Nagoya University)
^June 1, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room Sydney)
04D. Housing III
Chair: Jing Li (Singapore Management University)
- Camile Dumeignil
The Impact of Cross-border Labor Mobility on Real Estate Price Trends: A Natural Experiment
Presented by Camile Dumeignil (IREGE)
Discussed by Erling Røed Larsen (Oslo Metropolitan University)
- Erling Røed Larsen, Andre Anundsen, Dag Einar Sommervoll
Getting More by Asking for Less?
Presented by Erling Røed Larsen (Oslo Metropolitan University)
Discussed by Lan Lan (University of Oslo)
- Lan Lan
Understanding the Saving Behavior of Chinese Households: Intergenerational Transfers and Housing
Presented by Lan Lan (University of Oslo)
Discussed by Jing Li (Singapore Management University)
- Naqun Huang, Jing Li, Amanda Ross
Do Elderly Individuals Claim Social Security Early or Cash-out Home Equity When House Prices Appreciate?
Presented by Jing Li (Singapore Management University)
Discussed by Camile Dumeignil (IREGE)
^June 1, 2019 8:30 to 10:00 (Room 1.01)
04E. Education
Chair: Amrita Kulka (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Francesco Berlingieri, Christina Gathmann, Matthias Quinckhardt
College Openings and Local Economic Development
Presented by Francesco Berlingieri (ZEW Mannheim)
Discussed by Hildegunn Stokke (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- Jorn Rattso, Hildegunn Stokke
Wage Inequality: College Premium, Economic Geography, and Private-Public Sector
Presented by Hildegunn Stokke (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Discussed by Amrita Kulka (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Amrita Kulka
Sorting into Neighborhoods and Schools: The Role of Minimum Lot Sizes
Presented by Amrita Kulka (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Discussed by Francesco Berlingieri (ZEW Mannheim)
^June 1, 2019 8:30 to 10:30 (Room 1.60)
04F. Retail
Chair: Ioulia Ossokina (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Gokhan Guven, Eren Inci, Antonio Russo
Competition, Concentration and Percentage Rent in Retail Leasing
Presented by Eren Inci (Sabanci University)
Discussed by Mark Van Duijn (University of Groningen)
- Song Zhang, Mark Van Duijn, Arno Van der Vlist
The External Effects of Inner-city Shopping Centers: Evidence of Shopping Center Redevelopment and Residential Property Prices in the Netherlands
Presented by Mark Van Duijn (University of Groningen)
Discussed by Ioulia Ossokina (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Ioulia Ossokina, Jan Svitak, Coen Teulings
The Urban Economics of Retail
Presented by Ioulia Ossokina (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Discussed by Eren Inci (Sabanci University)
June 1, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room Moscow)
05A. Neighbourhoods and Externalities
Chair: Rafael Ribas (University of Amsterdam)
- Lea Eilers
The Effect of Refugee Accommodation on the Local Housing Market
Presented by Lea Eilers (RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research)
Discussed by Martijn Droes (University of Amsterdam)
- Martijn Droes, Hans Koster
A World Divided: Refugee Centers, House Prices, and Household Preferences
Presented by Martijn Droes (University of Amsterdam)
Discussed by Filippo Boeri (London School of Economics)
- Filippo Boeri, Marco Di Cataldo, Elisabetta Pietrostefani
Out of the Darkness: The Effects of Confiscation and Re-allocation of Real Estate Mafia Assets
Presented by Filippo Boeri (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Rafael Ribas (University of Amsterdam)
- Erasmo Giambona, Rafael Ribas
Unveiling the Price of Obscenity: Evidence from Closing Prostitution Windows in the Netherlands
Presented by Rafael Ribas (University of Amsterdam)
Discussed by Lea Eilers (RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research)
^June 1, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room 1.01)
05B. Local Labour Markets II
Chair: Eric Mengus (HEC Paris)
- Wolfgang Dauth, Sebastian Findeisen, Enrico Moretti, Jens Suedekum
Matching in Cities
Presented by Wolfgang Dauth (University of Wuerzburg and IAB)
Discussed by Fabio Cerina (University of Cagliari)
- Fabio Cerina, Elisa Dienesch, Alessio Moro, Michelle Rendall
Spatial Polarization
Presented by Fabio Cerina (University of Cagliari)
Discussed by Jordy Meekes (The University of Melbourne)
- Jordy Meekes, Wolter Hassink
Endogenous Local Labour Markets, Regional Aggregation and Agglomeration Economies
Presented by Jordy Meekes (The University of Melbourne)
Discussed by Eric Mengus (HEC Paris)
- Donald Davis, Eric Mengus, Tomasz Michalski
Labor Market Polarization and the Great Divergence: Theory and Evidence
Presented by Eric Mengus (HEC Paris)
Discussed by Wolfgang Dauth (University of Wuerzburg and IAB)
^June 1, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room Amsterdam)
05C. Transportation III
Chair: Clare Balboni (London School of Economics)
- Ines Helm, Nicolas Koch, Alexander Rohlf
Do Car Scrappage Schemes Improve Local Air Quality? Evidence from Germany
Presented by Ines Helm (Stockholm University)
Discussed by Nicolas Gendron-Carrier (McGill University)
- Nicolas Gendron-Carrier, marco gonzalez-navarro, Stefano Polloni, Matthew Turner
Subways and Urban Air Pollution
Presented by Nicolas Gendron-Carrier (McGill University)
Discussed by Antonio Russo (ETH Zurich)
- Antonio Russo, Martin Adler, Federica Liberini, Jos van Ommeren
The Congestion Relief Benefit of Public Transit: Evidence from Rome
Presented by Antonio Russo (ETH Zurich)
Discussed by Clare Balboni (London School of Economics)
- Clare Balboni
In Harm's Way? Infrastructure Investments and the Persistence of Coastal Cities
Presented by Clare Balboni (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Ines Helm (Stockholm University)
^June 1, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room 1.60)
05D. Housing IV
Chair: Yi Fan (National University of Singapore)
- Felipe Carozzi, Christian Hilber, Xiaolun Yu
The Economic Impacts of Help to Buy
Presented by Christian Hilber (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Daniel Da Mata (Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV)
- Daniel Da Mata, Lucas Mation
Labor Market Effects of Public Housing: Evidence from Large-Scale Lotteries
Presented by Daniel Da Mata (Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV)
Discussed by Simon Franklin (London School of Economics)
- Simon Franklin
The Demand for Government Housing: Evidence from a Lottery for 200,000 Homes in Ethiopia
Presented by Simon Franklin (London School of Economics)
Discussed by Yi Fan (National University of Singapore)
- Yi Fan, Ho Pin Teo, Xinwei Wan
Public Transport, Noise Complaints, and Housing: Evidence from Sentiment Analysis in Singapore
Presented by Yi Fan (National University of Singapore)
Discussed by Christian Hilber (London School of Economics)
^June 1, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room Shanghai)
05E. New Data and Methods for Research in Urban Economics
Chair: Miquel-Angel Garcia-Lopez (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & IEB)
- Marie-Pierre de Bellefon, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Gilles Duranton, Laurent Gobillon, Clément Gorin
A Random Forest Approach to Mine Historical Maps: Land Use in France from the Mid-18th Century
Presented by Laurent Gobillon (Paris School of Economics)
Discussed by Yifan Ye (Boston University)
- Yifan Ye, Charles Becker
Moving Mountains: Geography, Neighborhood Sorting, and Spatial Income Segregation
Presented by Yifan Ye (Boston University)
Discussed by Maarten Bosker (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- Maarten Bosker
Definition Matters: Metropolitan Areas and Agglomeration Economies in a Large Developing Country
Presented by Maarten Bosker (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Discussed by Miquel-Angel Garcia-Lopez (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & IEB)
- Daniel Arribas-Bel, Miquel-Angel Garcia-Lopez, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
Building(s and) Cities: The Role of Transportation and Geography
Presented by Miquel-Angel Garcia-Lopez (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & IEB)
Discussed by Laurent Gobillon (Paris School of Economics)
^June 1, 2019 11:00 to 13:00 (Room Sydney)
05F. Innovation and Knowledge in Cities
Chair: Peter Egger (ETH Zurich)
- Enrico Berkes
Novel Ideas: The Effects of Carnegie Libraries on Innovative Activities
Presented by Enrico Berkes (The Ohio State University)
Discussed by Andreas Diemer (London School of Economics and Political Science)
- Andreas Diemer, Tanner Regan
The Geography of Social Connectedness and Knowledge Flows in the United States: New Evidence from Patent Citations
Presented by Andreas Diemer (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Discussed by Ambrus Kecskes (Schulich School of Business at York Univ)
- francois derrien, Ambrus Kecskes, Phuong-Anh Nguyen
Labor Force Demographics and Corporate Innovation
Presented by Ambrus Kecskes (Schulich School of Business at York Univ)
Discussed by Peter Egger (ETH Zurich)
- Peter Egger, Nicole Loumeau
The Economic Geography of Innovation
Presented by Peter Egger (ETH Zurich)
Discussed by Enrico Berkes (The Ohio State University)
June 1, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room Sydney)
06A. Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Diffusion
Chair: Annamaria Conti (University of Lausanne)
- Matte Hartog
Labor Mobility and the Diffusion of Export Capabilities in the Local Labor Market: Evidence from Hugo Chavez' Border Closing Between Colombia and Venezuela in 2009
Presented by Matte Hartog (Harvard University)
Discussed by Gaetano Basso (Bank of Italy)
- Massimo Anelli, Gaetano Basso, Giuseppe Ippedico, Giovanni PERI
Youth Drain, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Presented by Gaetano Basso (Bank of Italy)
Discussed by Clément Bosquet (University of Cergy-Pontoise)
- Clément Bosquet, Pierre-Philippe Combes, Emeric Henry, Thierry Mayer
Peer Effects in Academic Research: Senders and Receivers
Presented by Clément Bosquet (University of Cergy-Pontoise)
Discussed by Annamaria Conti (University of Lausanne)
- Annamaria Conti, Jorge Guzman
What is the US Comparative Advantage in Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Israeli Migration to the United States
Presented by Annamaria Conti (University of Lausanne)
Discussed by Matte Hartog (Harvard University)
^June 1, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room 1.60)
06B. Consumption in Neighbourhoods
Chair: Florian Mayneris (ESG-Université du Québec à Montréal)
- Barry Scholnick
The Impact of Neighbors on Consumption Choices: Evidence from Warranty Claims
Presented by Barry Scholnick (Univ. of Alberta)
Discussed by Ferdinando Monte (Georgetown University )
- Sumit AgarwalJ. Bradford Jensen, Ferdinando Monte
The Geography of Consumption
Presented by Ferdinando Monte (Georgetown University )
Discussed by Florian Mayneris (ESG-Université du Québec à Montréal)
- Kristian Behrens, Brahim Boualam, Julien Martin, Florian Mayneris
Gentrification and Pioneer Businesses
Presented by Florian Mayneris (ESG-Université du Québec à Montréal)
Discussed by Barry Scholnick (Univ. of Alberta)
^June 1, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room Moscow)
06C. Natural Disasters and Climate Change in Cities
Chair: Jaqueline Oliveira (Rhodes college)
- Agustin Indaco, Francesc Ortega, Suleyman Taspinar
The Effects of Hurricane Sandy on New York's Businesses
Presented by Agustin Indaco (CUNY, The Graduate Center)
Discussed by Sofia Franco (UNL)
- Sofia Franco, Jacob Macdonald
Living on the Edge: How does Your House Price Respond to Urban Hazard Risks?
Presented by Sofia Franco (UNL)
Discussed by Vincent Schippers (Utrecht University)
- Vincent Schippers
Lights out? Earthquakes and Local Economic Activity
Presented by Vincent Schippers (Utrecht University)
Discussed by Jaqueline Oliveira (Rhodes college)
- Jaqueline Oliveira, Paula Pereda
The Impact of Climate Change on Internal Migration in Brazil
Presented by Jaqueline Oliveira (Rhodes college)
Discussed by Agustin Indaco (CUNY, The Graduate Center)
^June 1, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room Shanghai)
06D. Transportation IV
Chair: Mathilde lebrand (World Bank)
- Rubens Lopes, Raul Silveira Neto
Highways and Education Accessibility: Evidence from Brazil
Presented by Rubens Lopes (UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco))
Discussed by Richard Bluhm (University of Hannover)
- Richard Bluhm, Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs, Bradley Parks, Austin Strange, Michael Tierney
Connective Financing: Chinese Infrastructure Projects and the Diffusion of Economic Activity in Developing Countries
Presented by Richard Bluhm (University of Hannover)
Discussed by Ferdinand Rauch (Oxford)
- Paul Brandily, Ferdinand Rauch
Roads and Urban Growth
Presented by Ferdinand Rauch (Oxford)
Discussed by Mathilde lebrand (World Bank)
- Mathilde lebrand
Who wins, who loses? Understanding the Spatially Differentiated Effects of Belt and Road Initiative
Presented by Mathilde lebrand (World Bank)
Discussed by Rubens Lopes (UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco))
^June 1, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room Amsterdam)
06E. Local Public Finance II
Chair: Rhiannon Jerch (Cornell University)
- Marie-Laure Breuillé, Camille Grivault, Eliakim Kakpo, Julie le Gallo
Should French Municipalities Densify to Reduce their Expenditures?
Presented by Eliakim Kakpo (INRA)
Discussed by David Albouy (University of Illinois)
- David Albouy
Unlocking Amenties: Estimating Public Good Complementarities
Presented by David Albouy (University of Illinois)
Discussed by André Seidel (University of Bergen)
- André Seidel
Regional Public Goods Provision, Decentralization and Social Heterogeneity: A Global View
Presented by André Seidel (University of Bergen)
Discussed by Rhiannon Jerch (Cornell University)
- Rhiannon Jerch
The Local Consequences of Federal Mandates: Evidence from the Clean Water Act
Presented by Rhiannon Jerch (Cornell University)
Discussed by Eliakim Kakpo (INRA)
^June 1, 2019 14:00 to 16:00 (Room 1.01)
06F. Political Economy and Cities
Chair: Matthias Wrede (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen)
- Felipe Carozzi, Martin Guenther
Not in my Electoral Backyard
Presented by Martin Guenther (Royal Holloway College, University of London)
Discussed by Andreas Mense (University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Andreas Mense, Matthias Wrede
Do voters reward politicians for luck?
Presented by Andreas Mense (University Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Discussed by Thomas Krause (Halle Institute for Economic Research)
- Thomas Krause
African-American Mayors, Home Ownership and Mortgage Lending
Presented by Thomas Krause (Halle Institute for Economic Research)
Discussed by Matthias Wrede (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen)
- Matthias Wrede
Voting on Land Development
Presented by Matthias Wrede (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen)
Discussed by Martin Guenther (Royal Holloway College, University of London)
June 1, 2019 16:30 to 18:30 (Room Amsterdam)
07A. Migration
Chair: Melanie Krause (University of Hamburg)
- Heitor Pellegrina, Sebastian Sotelo
Migration, Specialization and Trade: Evidence from the Brazilian March to the West
Presented by Heitor Pellegrina (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Discussed by Mads Hejlesen (Aarhus University)
- Fabian Eckert, Mads Hejlesen, Conor Walsh
The Return To Big City Experience: Evidence From Danish Refugees
Presented by Mads Hejlesen (Aarhus University)
Discussed by Melanie Krause (University of Hamburg)
- Melanie Krause, Sebastian Kripfganz
Regional Convergence at the County Level: The Role of Commuters
Presented by Melanie Krause (University of Hamburg)
Discussed by Heitor Pellegrina (NYU Abu Dhabi)
^June 1, 2019 16:30 to 18:30 (Room Moscow)
07B. City Growth
Chair: Bram van Besouw (Utrecht University)
- Yan Hu
Rebellion, Refuge and Rise of Cities
Presented by Yan Hu (CEMFI)
Discussed by David Cuberes (Clark University)
- David Cuberes, Klaus Desmet, Jordan Rappaport
Urban Growth Shadows
Presented by David Cuberes (Clark University)
Discussed by Duc Nguyen (University of Groningen)
- Duc Nguyen
Mean Reversion of the German City System After WWII: To What Mean?
Presented by Duc Nguyen (University of Groningen)
Discussed by Bram van Besouw (Utrecht University)
- Bram van Besouw, Daniel Curtis
Death at a Distance? Warfare and Mortality in the Seventeenth-Century Low Countries
Presented by Bram van Besouw (Utrecht University)
Discussed by Yan Hu (CEMFI)
^June 1, 2019 16:30 to 18:30 (Room Sydney)
07C. Transportation V
Chair: Sandra Schaffner (RWI)
- Alex Chernoff, Andrea Craig
Housing Price Network Effects from Public Transit Investment: Evidence from Vancouver
Presented by Alex Chernoff (Bank of Canada)
Discussed by Nicholas Sheard (Victoria University)
- Nicholas Sheard
Transport Infrastructure and Regional Welfare
Presented by Nicholas Sheard (Victoria University)
Discussed by Daniel Hörcher (Imperial College London)
- Daniel Hörcher, Woubit Seifu, Bruno De Borger, Daniel Graham
Public Transport Provision under Agglomeration Economies
Presented by Daniel Hörcher (Imperial College London)
Discussed by Sandra Schaffner (RWI)
- Philipp Breidenbach, Jeffrey Cohen, Sandra Schaffner
Continuation of Air-services in Berlin-Tegel and its Effects on Housing Prices
Presented by Sandra Schaffner (RWI)
Discussed by Alex Chernoff (Bank of Canada)
^June 1, 2019 16:30 to 18:30 (Room Shanghai)
07D. Economic Geography and Trade
Chair: Stephan Maurer (University of Konstanz)
- Jan David Bakker
International Trade and Regional Inequality
Presented by Jan David Bakker (University of Oxford)
Discussed by Ugur Yesilbayraktar (Universitat Pompeu Fabra - CREI)
- Marta Santamaria, Jaume Ventura, Ugur Yesilbayraktar
Borders within Europe
Presented by Ugur Yesilbayraktar (Universitat Pompeu Fabra - CREI)
Discussed by Stephan Maurer (University of Konstanz)
- Stephan Maurer, Ferdinand Rauch
Economic Geography Aspects of the Panama Canal
Presented by Stephan Maurer (University of Konstanz)
Discussed by Jan David Bakker (University of Oxford)
^June 1, 2019 16:30 to 18:30 (Room 1.01)
07E. Wage Premium in Cities
Chair: Paula Herrera-Idarraga (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
- Anja Grujovic
Tasks, Cities and Urban Wage Premia
Presented by Anja Grujovic (CEMFI)
Discussed by Clara Santamaria (CEMFI and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
- Charly Porcher, Hannah Rubinton, Clara Santamaria
The Role of Establishment Size in the City-Size Premium in Spain
Presented by Clara Santamaria (CEMFI and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Discussed by Sabine D'Costa (University of Westminster)
- Sabine D'Costa, Almudena Sevilla
Why is the Urban Wage Premium Larger for Women?
Presented by Sabine D'Costa (University of Westminster)
Discussed by Paula Herrera-Idarraga (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
- Paula Herrera-Idarraga, Pablo Adrian Garlati-Bertoldi, Juan Torres
Getting Over the Minimum Wage: Wage Gaps Between Cities in Colombia
Presented by Paula Herrera-Idarraga (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
Discussed by Anja Grujovic (CEMFI)
^June 1, 2019 16:30 to 18:30 (Room 1.60)
07F. Firms in Cities
Chair: Michael Koenig (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Orhun Sevinc
Density and Allocative Efficiency
Presented by Orhun Sevinc (Central Bank of Turkey and CFM/LSE )
Discussed by Adrian Lerche (IAB Nuremberg)
- Adrian Lerche
Investment Tax Credits and the Response of Firms
Presented by Adrian Lerche (IAB Nuremberg)
Discussed by Michael Koenig (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Michael Koenig
Aggregate Fluctuations in Adaptive Production Networks
Presented by Michael Koenig (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Discussed by Orhun Sevinc (Central Bank of Turkey and CFM/LSE )
This program was last updated on 2019-05-29 11:24:50 EDT