Urban Economics Association

Logo UEA Summer School 2024 Geneva

2024 Summer School in Urban Economics

at Geneva Graduate Institute & University of Geneva
June 24 - 26, 2024
Geneva, Switzerland


The UEA Summer School is designed for PhD students with an interest in urban economics, including housing, real estate, transportation, local public good provision, the spatial distribution of activities, economic geography, and urban or regional policy. The objective of the summer school is to offer an intensive training program for interested PhD students. The summer school will provide an opportunity for students to learn about the research frontier in urban economics, discuss their own research with leading researchers in the field in a relaxed and open atmosphere, and meet some of the future stars in the field.


Summer school program (PDF)



The summer school will run for three days. We expect to invite between 50 and 60 students, and we will invite twelve students to present their work. We expect that each day there will be two lectures by faculty, four student presentations, and an opportunity for students who are not presenting their papers to talk to the faculty about their projects.


We invite applications from PhD students in their second year or beyond. Places in the school are limited by space constraints. This is an in-person event. Participants are expected to attend all three days in full.


Geneva Graduate Institute
Maison de la Paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2 (Google Maps link)
1202 Genève, Switzerland

Please download the flyer containing information about the Maison de la Paix, local transportation, and hotels.

Application Procedure

The application deadline has passed.

Registration Fee and Financial Support

There is a registration fee of $130, which covers coffee breaks, working lunches, and at least one evening event. You are responsible for making your own travel and accommodation arrangements. We have a small pool of funds available to help students who need financial support. If you would like to apply for such support, please outline your case in your application letter in a separate section titled "Financial Support Request". We strongly encourage students to first investigate travel funding made available by their own universities. We do not anticipate offering financial assistance to students attending top US or European programs except under extraordinary circumstances.

Scientific Committee

Marius Brulhart (chair; Lausanne), Jonathan Dingel (Chicago Booth), Dave Donaldson (MIT), David Dorn (Zurich), Gabriel Kreindler (Harvard), Marta Santamaria (Warwick), Winnie van Dijk (Yale).

Local organizers

Julia Cajal Grossi (Geneva Graduate Institute) and Frederic Robert-Nicoud (University of Geneva).