September 20 - 21, 2024
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
The Urban Economics Association (UEA) invites the submission of high-quality papers dealing with the economics of cities, housing, real estate, transportation, local public good provision, the spatial distribution of activities, economic geography, and urban or regional policy. The Urban Economics Association seeks to promote participation and excellence in academic research in urban and regional economics.
The 2024 North American Meeting of the UEA is scheduled to take place at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. on Friday the 20th and Saturday the 21st of September 2024. The conference will run from approximately 9:00 to 18:00 local time on both days and will include a reception on Friday night and keynote lectures by Rebecca Diamond (Stanford) and Gordon Hanson (Harvard).
For more information, please visit the conference website at
Local Organizer: Ferdinando Monte (Georgetown)
Program Committee: Treb Allen (Dartmouth, Chair), Tim McQuade (Berkeley, Vice Chair) Cecile Gaubert (Berkeley, Past Chair), Alina Arefeva (Wisconsin), Enrico Berkes (UMBC), Stephen Billings (Colorado), Jesse Bruhn (Brown), Edward Coulson (UC Irvine), Tianfang Cui (NYU), Jorge De la Roca (USC), Ingrid Ellen (NYU), Simon Fuchs (FRB Atlanta), Michael Gechter (Penn State), Joshua Gottlieb (Chicago), Jamie Hansen-Lewis (UC Davis), Remi Jedwab (George Washington), Xian Jiang (UC Davis), Benny Kleinman (Stanford), Michelle Marcus (Vanderbilt), Yuhei Miyauchi (Boston), Charles Nathanson (Kellogg), Paul Novosad (Dartmouth), Eleonora Patacchini (Cornell), Franklin Qian (UNC), Luis Quintero (Johns Hopkins), Tanner Regan (George Washington), Lindsay Relihan (Purdue), Roman Rivera (Berkeley), Fernanda Rojas Ampuero (Wisconsin), Alexander Rothenberg (Syracuse), Allison Shertzer (FRB Philadelphia), Aradhya Sood (Toronto), Kohei Takeda (National University of Singapore), Andrew Waxman (Texas), Eric Zwick (Chicago Booth).
Student Prize Committee: Jonathan Hall (Alabama, Chair), Eric Chyn (Texas), Nicolas Gendron-Carrier (McGill), Jesse Gregory (Wisconsin), Antoine Levy (Berkeley Haas), Chris Palmer (MIT Sloan).
Submission: Please submit your paper or extended abstract through the online submission form at
We accept the submission of extended abstracts. However, all else equal, preference will be given to completed papers.
In addition to submitting an individual paper, you can also propose an entire 4-paper session. Papers in complete sessions will still be vetted individually, and the scientific committee reserves the right to regroup papers with other sessions. We encourage including in proposed sessions submissions by researchers whose primary affiliation is in an allied field (e.g. labor, public, trade, development, etc.) but whose paper has clear and strong relevance to urban economists. To submit a session, please first submit each paper through the Conference Maker website and then send the proposed session, including names and paper titles, to
Submission Deadline: Friday, June 7, 2024. You will be notified in late July whether your submission has been accepted for the conference.
UEA Student Prize: The UEA awards prizes for the best student papers presented at its conferences. Papers where all co-authors are full-time PhD students at the date of the conference are eligible for the student prize. Papers that are co-authored by full-time PhD students and a co-author who is not a full-time researcher at a university or research institute are also eligible. Authors of such papers can email the chair of the student prize committee, Jonathan Hall (Alabama), if they are uncertain whether their paper is eligible. Student papers and presentations will be evaluated by the student prize committee and the results will be announced at the conference. See past award winners at