Urban Economics Association

Logo UEA 2024 Copenhagen

13th European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association

June 7 - 8, 2024
BUILD, Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Call for Papers

The Urban Economics Association (UEA) invites the submission of high-quality papers dealing with the economics of cities, housing, real estate, transportation, local public good provision, the spatial distribution of activities, economic geography, and urban or regional policy. The Urban Economics Association seeks to promote participation and excellence in academic research in urban and regional economics.

The 2024 European Meeting of the UEA is scheduled to take place at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, Denmark on Friday the 7th and Saturday the 8th of June 2024. The conference will run from approximately 9:00 to 18:00 local time on both days and include a reception on Friday night and keynote lectures by David Autor and Gharad Bryan.

For more information, please visit the conference website at https://urbaneconomics.org/meetings/emuea2024.

Local Organizers: Kristoffer Soelberg, Marie Lundbo, Lars Pico Geerdsen, Bence János Bøje-Kovács, Nino Javakhishvili-Larsen, Sofie Nørtoft

Program Committee: Klaus Desmet (Southern Methodist University, Chair), Pablo Fajgelbaum (UCLA, Vice Chair), Gabrielle Fack (Paris Dauphine, Past Chair), Alexander Rothenberg (Syracuse), Amine Ouazad (Rutgers), Amrita Kulka (Warwick), Anna Piil Damm (Aarhus), Augusto Ospital (Toulouse), Bruno Conte (Bologna), Christoph Albert (Collegio Carlo Alberto), David Jinkins (Copenhagen Business School), Edouard Schaal (CREI), Elisa Giannone (CREI), Etienne Wasmer (NYU Abu Dhabi), Ferdinando Monte (Georgetown), Florian Mayneris (UQAM), Guillermo Alves (CAF), Jan David Bakker (Bocconi), Jorge De la Roca (USC), Marcel Henkel (Bern), Martina Viarengo (Graduate Institute), Matthias Hoelzlein (Notre Dame), Maximilian v. Ehrlich (Bern), Miren LaFourcade (Paris-Saclay), Philip Ushchev (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Pierre Magontier (Pompeu Fabra), Prottoy A. Akbar (Aalto), Roman D. Zarate (World Bank), Sebastian Ellingsen (Bristol), Vernon Henderson (LSE), Wookun Kim (SMU), Yue Yu (Toronto).

Student Prize Committee: David Nagy (CREI, Chair), Allan Hsiao (Princeton), Ferdinand Rauch (Heidelberg), Diego Puga (CEMFI), Lin Tian (INSEAD).

Submission: Please submit your paper or extended abstract through the online submission form at https://editorialexpress.com/conference/emuea2024/

We accept the submission of extended abstracts. However, all else equal, preference will be given to completed papers.

In addition to submitting an individual paper, you can also propose an entire 4-paper session. Papers in complete sessions will still be vetted individually, and the scientific committee reserves the right to regroup papers with other sessions. We encourage including in proposed sessions submissions by researchers whose primary affiliation is in an allied field (e.g. labor, public, trade, development, etc.) but whose paper has clear and strong relevance to urban economists. To submit a session, please first submit each paper through the Conference Maker website and then send the proposed session, including names and paper titles to emuea2024@urbaneconomics.org.

Submission Deadline: Friday, February 23, 2024. You will be notified at the beginning of April whether your submission has been accepted for the conference.

UEA Student Prize: The UEA awards prizes for the best student papers presented at its conferences. Papers where all co-authors are full-time PhD students at the date of the conference are eligible for the student prize. Papers that are co-authored by full-time PhD students and a co-author who is not a full-time researcher at a university or research institute are also eligible. Authors of such papers can email the chair of the student prize committee, David Nagy (CREI), if they are uncertain whether their paper is eligible. Student papers and presentations will be evaluated by the student prize committee and the results will be announced at the conference. See past award winners at https://urbaneconomics.org/meetings/awards.html.

BUILD - Aalborg Univsersitet Villum Foundation