6th Meeting of the Urban Economics Association
At the 58th Annual North American Meetings
of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI)
November 9-12, 2011
Miami, FL
Programme Committee: Edward Glaseser (Harvard), Tom Holmes (Minnesota), Kurt Schmidheiny (Basel), and Matthew Turner (Toronto).
Conference Program
01A. Thu 8:00-10:00. Cities and the Public Sector (Brickell South)
Chair: Giulia Faggio
- Jan Brueckner*, David Neumark
Beaches, Sunshine, and Public-Sector Pay: Theory and Evidence on Amenities and Rent Extraction by Government Workers
Discussant: Gregory Verdugo
- Gregory Verdugo*
Public Housing and Tiebout Choice
Discussant: Eric Brunner
- Eric Brunner*, Tim Squires
The Bargaining Power of Teacher’s Unions and the Allocation of School Resources
Discussant: Giulia Faggio
- Giulia Faggio*, Henry G. Overman
The Effect of Public Sector Employment on Local Labour Markets
Discussant: Jan Brueckner
01B. Thu 8:00-10:00. Historical growth of cities (Tuttle Prefunction)
Chair: Jordan Rappaport
- Rafael González-Val*, Luis Lanaspa
Patterns in U.S. Urban Growth (1790–2000)
Discussant: María Vera-Cabello
- Marcos Sanso-Navarro, Fernando Sanz, María Vera-Cabello*
The impact of the American Civil War on city growth
Discussant: David Cuberes
- Howard Bodenhorn, David Cuberes*
The Role of Local Banks in Spurring City Growth: The Case of New York’s Cities, 1790-1870
Discussant: Jordan Rappaport
- Klaus Desmet, Jordan Rappaport*
The Settlement of the U.S., 1800 to 2000: The Emergence of Gibrat's Law
Discussant: Rafael González-Val
01C. Thu 8:00-10:00. Housing and Real Estate 1 (Brickell Prefunction)
Chair: Lu Han
- Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Volker Nitsch, Nicolai Wendland*
Ease vs. Noise: On the conflicting effects of public infrastructure
Discussant: Nils Kok
- Nils Kok*, Paavo Monkkonen, John M. Quigley
Economic Geography, Jobs, and Regulations: The Value of Land and Housing
Discussant: Qiang Li
- Qiang Li*
Ethnic Diversity and Neighborhood House Prices
Discussant: Lu Han
- David Genesove, Lu Han*
Measuring the Thinness of Real Estate Markets
Discussant: Nicolai Wendland
02A. Thu 13:30-15:30. Measuring Agglomeration (Brickell South)
Chair: Isabel Tecu
- Nathan Schiff*
Exploring Retail Concentration: Restaurant Clusters
Discussant: Kristian Behrens
- Kristian Behrens*, Wilfried Koch, Giordano Mion
On the lumpiness of space
Discussant: Gerald Carlino
- Gerald Carlino*, Jake Carr, Robert Hunt, Tony Smith
The Agglomeration of R&D Labs
Discussant: Isabel Tecu
- Isabel Tecu*
Where Do Firms Patent? Measuring Intra-Firm Spillovers for R&D
Discussant: Nathan Schiff
02B. Thu 13:30-15:30. Migration I (Tuttle Prefunction)
Chair: Pierre Picard
- Nathan Seegert*
Barriers to Migration in a System of Cities
Discussant: Yves Zenou
- Yves Zenou*, Vianney Dequiedt
International Migration, Imperfect Information, and Brain Drain
Discussant: Jorge De la Roca
- Jorge De la Roca*
Selection in migration: Evidence from moves across Spanish cities
Discussant: Pierre Picard
- Pierre Picard*, Tim Worrall
Sustainable migration policies
Discussant: Nathan Seegert
02C. Thu 13:30-15:30. Housing and Real Estate 2 (Brickell Prefunction)
Chair: Qinghua Zhang
- Lu Han, William Strange*
Bidding Wars for Houses
Discussant: Alvin Murphy
- Kelly Bishop, Alvin Murphy*
Incorporating Dynamic Behavior into the Hedonic Model
Discussant: Leah Brooks
- Leah Brooks*, Byron Lutz
Sclerosis of the City: Inefficiency and the Assembly of Urban Land
Discussant: Qinghua Zhang
- Hongbin Cai, Yujin Cao, Qinghua Zhang*
Tenure Choices and Housing Demand: Evidence of Investment Demand in Urban China?
Discussant: William Strange
03A. Thu 16:00-18:00. Labor Market Search in Cities (Brickell South)
Chair: Yannis Ioannides
- Fredrik Andersson, John Haltiwanger, Mark Kutzbach*, Henry Pollakowski, Daniel Weinberg
Job Displacement and the Duration of Joblessness: The Role of Spatial Mismatch
Discussant: Wei Xiao
- Wei Xiao*
Job Search in the Muth-Mills World: Theory and Policies
Discussant: Matthias Wrede
- Matthias Wrede*
Unemployment, Commuting, and Search Intensity
Discussant: Yannis Ioannides
- Yannis Ioannides*
Urban Business Cycles through a Mortensen-Pissarides Lens
Discussant: Mark Kutzbach
03B. Thu 16:00-18:00. Growth Dynamics and Migration (Tuttle Prefunction)
Chair: Abigail Wozniak
- Kyle Hood*, Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy
Aggregate Effects and Measuring Regional Dynamics
Discussant: Oliver Falck
- Oliver Falck*, Stephan Heblich, Susanne Link
Do Integration Policies for Immigrants Work? Historic Evidence from Forced Mass Migration
Discussant: Hildegunn Stokke
- Jørn Rattsø, Hildegunn Stokke*
Migration and dynamic agglomeration economies: Regional income growth in Norway
Discussant: Abigail Wozniak
- Abigail Wozniak*, Thomas Murray
Timing is Everything: Short-Run Population Impacts of Immigration in U.S. Cities
Discussant: Kyle Hood
03C. Thu 16:00-18:00. Housing and Real Estate 3 (Brickell Prefunction)
Chair: Sanghoon Lee
- Coen Teulings, Wouter Vermeulen*
Breakdown of the market for developable land around a stochastic city with public goods
Discussant: Amanda Ross
- Amanda Ross*, Michael Eriksen
Housing Vouchers and the Price of Rental Housing
Discussant: Stuart Rosenthal
- Stuart Rosenthal*
Is Filtering a Viable Market Source of Low-Income Housing? Estimates from a “Repeat Income” Model with Housing Turnover
Discussant: Sanghoon Lee
- Sanghoon Lee*, John Ries, Tsur Somerville
Repairs under Asymmetric Information
Discussant: Wouter Vermeulen
04A. Fri 8:00-10:00. Cities and International Trade (Brickell South)
Chair: Sauro Mocetti
- Bade Franz-Josef, Eckhardt Bode*, Cutrini Eleonora
Does Domestic Offshoring Precede International Offshoring? Industry-level Evidence
Discussant: Steven Brakman
- Steven Brakman*, Charles Van Marrewijk
Lumpy Countries, Urbanization, and Trade
Discussant: Loriane Py
- Anders Akerman, Loriane Py*
Outsourcing and the Division of Labour between Firms: Evidence from Swedish Cities
Discussant: Sauro Mocetti
- Antonio Accetturo, Francesco Manaresi, Sauro Mocetti*, Elisabetta Olivieri
Don't stand so close to me: the urban impact of immigration
Discussant: Eckhardt Bode
04B. Fri 8:00-10:00. Public Policy and City Growth (Tuttle Prefunction)
Chair: Benoît SCHMUTZ
- Matthew Freedman*
Teaching New Markets Old Tricks: The Effects of Subsidized Investment on Low-Income Neighborhoods
Discussant: Henry Overman
- Elias Einio, Henry Overman*
The Impact of the UK Local Enterprise Growth Initiative
Discussant: Florian Mayneris
- Thierry Mayer, Florian Mayneris*, Loriane Py
The Impact of Urban Enterprise Zones on Plants' Location - Evidence from French ZFUs
Discussant: Benoît SCHMUTZ
Urban Geography and the Efficiency of French Enterprise Zones
Discussant: Matthew Freedman
04C. Fri 8:00-10:00. Housing Price Cycles (Brickell Prefunction)
Chair: Zhi Wang
- Andrew Haughwout*, Donghoon Lee, Joseph Tracy, Wilbert van der Klaauw
Collateral Damage: The Role of Real Estate Investors in the Housing Boom and Bust
Discussant: Jan Rouwendal
- Jan Rouwendal*
Diverging house prices and income shocks
Discussant: Keith Ihlanfeldt
- Keith Ihlanfeldt*, Tom Mayock
Housing Bubbles and Busts: The Role of Supply Elasticity
Discussant: Zhi Wang
- Zhi Wang*, Qinghua Zhang
Housing-price Appreciation in Urban China: How Important Are the Fundamentals?
Discussant: Andrew Haughwout
05A. Fri 10:30-12:30. Culture and Social Interactions (Brickell South)
Chair: Thierry Mayer
- Eleonora Patacchini*, Yves Zenou, Edoardo Rainone
Dynamic Aspects of Teenage Friendships and Educational Attainment
Discussant: Jeffrey Zabel
- Jeffrey Zabel*
Unintended Consequences: The Impact of Proposition 2 1⁄2 on School Segregation in Massachusetts
Discussant: Stephan Heblich
- Stefan Bauernschuster, Oliver Falck, Stephan Heblich*, Jens Suedekum
The Cultural Costs of Internal Migration
Discussant: Thierry Mayer
- Yann Algan, Thierry Mayer*, Mathias Thoenig
The Economic Incentives of Cultural Transmission: Spatial Evidence from Naming Patterns across France
Discussant: Eleonora Patacchini
05B. Fri 10:30-12:30. Business Location and Public Policy (Tuttle Prefunction)
Chair: Christian Hilber
- Marius Brülhart, Kurt Schmidheiny*
Competition for Firms: Zero-Sum or Positive-Sum Game?
Discussant: Andrew Hanson
- Andrew Hanson*, Shawn Rohlin
Do Spatially Targeted Redevelopment Programs Spillover?
Discussant: Leo Feler
- Leo Feler*
State-Owned Banks, Local Development, and Economic Distortions
Discussant: Christian Hilber
- Paul Cheshire, Christian Hilber*, Ioannis Kaplanis
The Productivity Costs of Planning for Supermarkets: evidence from a micro dataset
Discussant: Kurt Schmidheiny
05C. Fri 10:30-12:30. Amenities and Cities (Brickell Prefunction)
Chair: Hans Koster
- Jenny Schuetz*
Are Art Galleries Leading or Lagging Indicators of Gentrification?
Discussant: Anet Weterings
- Anet Weterings*
Quality of life in the neighbourhood as driver of firm relocation
Discussant: Gabriel Ahlfeldt
- Gabriel Ahlfeldt*
The Hidden Dimensions of Urbanity
Discussant: Hans Koster
- Hans Koster*, Jos van Ommeren, Piet Rietveld
Upscale Neighbourhoods: Historic Amenities, Income and Spatial Sorting of Households
Discussant: Jenny Schuetz
06A. Fri 13:30-15:30. Spatial Diffusion of Knowledge (Brickell South)
Chair: Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- William Hanlon*
Industry Connections and the Geographic Location of Economic Activity
Discussant: Nathan Yang
- Nathan Yang*
An Empirical Model of Industry Dynamics with Common Uncertainty and Learning from the Actions of Competitors
Discussant: Nathaniel Baum-Snow
- Nathaniel Baum-Snow*
Learning About the Spatial Scope of Agglomeration Economies from Urban Transport Innovations
Discussant: Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- Diego Comin, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg*
Spatial Diffusion of Technology
Discussant: William Hanlon
06B. Fri 13:30-15:30. Segregation I: Schooling (Tuttle Prefunction)
Chair: Stephen Billings
- Stephen Gibbons*, Sandra McNally, Martina Viarengo
Does Additional Spending Help Urban Schools?
Discussant: Constant Tra
- Constant Tra*, Anna Lukemeyer, Helen Neill
Evaluating the Welfare Effects of the No Child Left Behind Act: A Residential Sorting Approach
Discussant: Yong Suk Lee
- Yong Suk Lee*
Exam vs. District Based Selection: Implications on Household Sorting and Intergenerational Mobility
Discussant: Stephen Billings
- Stephen Billings*, David Deming, Jonah Rockoff
School Segregation and Crime: Evidence from the End of Busing in Charlotte-Mecklenburg
Discussant: Stephen Gibbons
06C. Fri 13:30-15:30. Impacts of Home Ownership (Brickell Prefunction)
Chair: Sharon I O'Donnell
- Daniel Hartley*
Blowing it Up and Knocking it Down: The Effect of Demolishing High Concentration Public Housing on Crime
Discussant: Don Schlagenahuf
- Matthew Chambers, Carlos Garriga, Don Schlagenahuf*
Did Housing Policy Cause the Post-War Boom in Homeownership
Discussant: Olmo Silva
- Philippe Bracke, Christian Hilber, Olmo Silva*
Homeownership and Entrepreneurship
Discussant: Sharon I O'Donnell
- Sharon I O'Donnell*, N. Edward Coulson
The Effect of Foreclosure on Family Outcomes
Discussant: Daniel Hartley
07A. Fri 16:00-18:00. Urban Theory (Brickell South)
Chair: Takatoshi Tabuchi
- Robert Helsley*, William Strange
Discussant: Hesham Abdel-Rahman
- Hesham Abdel-Rahman*
Core-periphery verses Integrated System of Cities
Discussant: Jinwon Kim
- Jinwon Kim*
Endogenous Vehicle-Type Choices in a Monocentric City
Discussant: Takatoshi Tabuchi
- Fu-Chuan Lai, Takatoshi Tabuchi*
Hotelling Meets Weber
Discussant: Robert Helsley
07B. Fri 16:00-18:00. Cities and the Environment (Tuttle Prefunction)
Chair: Felix Weinhardt
- Maarten Bosker, Harry Garretsen*, Gerard Marlet, Clemens van Woerkens
A Life Aquatic. Flood risk and the Dutch housing market
Discussant: Jose Maria Casado
- Jose Maria Casado*
Bigger Cities - Greener Citizens
Discussant: Ping Wang
- Marcus Berliant, Shin-Kun Peng, Ping Wang*
Pollution Tax, Firm Agglomeration and Welfare
Discussant: Felix Weinhardt
- Felix Weinhardt*
Standard Time and Solar Time: Impacts on Getting Up and Energy Consumption
Discussant: Harry Garretsen
07C. Fri 16:00-18:00. Transport Costs and Cities (Brickell Prefunction)
Chair: Vernon Henderson
- Adam Storeygard*
Farther on down the road: transport costs, trade and urban growth in sub-Saharan Africa
Discussant: Junfu Zhang
- Junfu Zhang*, zhong Zhao
Measuring the Income-Distance Tradeoff for Rural-Urban Migrants in China
Discussant: Shihe Fu
- Brian Viard, Shihe Fu*
The Effect of Beijing’s Driving Restrictions on Pollution and Economic Activity
Discussant: Vernon Henderson
- Nathaniel Baum-Snow, Vernon Henderson*, Loren Brandt, Matthew Turner, qinghua zhang
Urban Form: Centralization versus decentralization in Chinese cities
Discussant: Adam Storeygard
08A. Sat 8:00-10:00. Labor Markets and Cities (Brickell South)
Chair: Rosa Sanchis-Guarner
- Steven Craig, Janet Kohlhase*, Adam Perdue
Employment Centers and the Changing Structure of Cities
Discussant: Paulo Guimaraes
- Octavio Figueiredo, Paulo Guimaraes*, Doug Woodward
Firm-Worker Matching in Industrial Clusters
Discussant: David Phillips
- David Phillips*
Getting to Work: Experimental Evidence on Job Search and Transportation Costs in Washington, DC
Discussant: Rosa Sanchis-Guarner
- Rosa Sanchis-Guarner*, Teemu Lyytikainen
Driving up Wages: The Effects of Road Improvements in Great Britain
Discussant: Janet Kohlhase
08B. Sat 8:00-10:00. Local Taxes and Local Politics (Tuttle Prefunction)
Chair: David Albouy
- Albert Solé-Ollé*, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
Do political parties matter for local land-use policies?
Discussant: Marcus Berliant
- Marcus Berliant*, Takatoshi Tabuchi
Local Politics and Economic Geography
Discussant: Teemu Lyytikäinen
- Christian Hilber, Teemu Lyytikäinen*
Stamp duty and household mobility: Regression discontinuity evidence from the UK
Discussant: David Albouy
- David Albouy*, Andrew Hanson
Taxes and Inefficiency in Location and Housing Consumption
Discussant: Albert Solé-Ollé
09A. Sat 10:30-12:30. Agglomeration and Productivity (Brickell South)
Chair: Domingo P. Ximénez-de-Embún
- Kaz Miyagiwa, Yasuhiro Sato*, Jacques Thisse
Excess entry, globalization and industrial policies
Discussant: Marcello Pagnini
- Antonio Accetturo, Valter Di Giacinto, Giacinto Micucci, Marcello Pagnini*
Local productivity differences through thick and thin: market size, entry costs and openness to trade
Discussant: Kentaro Nakajima
- Kentaro Nakajima*
Transactions as a Source of Agglomeration Economies: Buyer-Seller Matching in the Japanese Manufacturing Industry
Discussant: Domingo P. Ximénez-de-Embún
- Domingo P. Ximénez-de-Embún*, Marcos Sanso
Urban Agglomeration and Aggregate Economic Growth
Discussant: Yasuhiro Sato
09B. Sat 10:30-12:30. Impacts of Segregation (Tuttle Prefunction)
Chair: Alejandro Badel
- Elizabeth Ananat, Shihe Fu, Stephen L Ross*
Agglomeration, Segregation and Social Networks
Discussant: Amine Ouazad
- Amine Ouazad*, Romain Ranciere
Credit Standards and Segregation
Discussant: Max Nathan
- Max Nathan*
Ethnic Inventors, Diversity and Innovation in the UK: Evidence from patents microdata
Discussant: Alejandro Badel
- Alejandro Badel*
Understanding Permanent Black/White Earnings Inequality
Discussant: Stephen L Ross
09C. Sat 10:30-12:30. Travel and Infrastructur (Brickell Prefunction)
Chair: Quentin David
- Antonio Bento*, Daniel Kaffine, Kevin Roth
Clearing the Air by Promoting Hybrids? The Unintended Consequences of Allowing Solo-Hybrid Drivers in High Occupancy Lanes
Discussant: Alex Whalley
- Yihsu Chen, Alex Whalley*
Green Infrastructure:The Effects of Urban Rail Transit on Air Quality
Discussant: Wen-Tai Hsu
- Wen-Tai Hsu*, Hongliang Zhang
The Fundamental Law of Highway Congestion: Evidence from Japanese Expressways
Discussant: Quentin David
- Quentin David*, Renaud Foucart
A model of modal choice with heterogenous agents
Discussant: Antonio Bento
* Presenter