5th Meeting of the Urban Economics Association
At the 57th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI)
November 10-13, 2010
Denver, Colorado
Program Committee: Tom Holmes (Minnesota), Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (Princeton), Kurt Schmidheiny (Pompeu Fabra), and Matthew Turner (Toronto)
Conference Program
01A. Thu 8:00-10:00. Topics in Urban Economics (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Wen-Chi Liao
- Tomoya Mori*, Tony E. Smith
Central place regularities across economic regions
Discussant: Nathan Schiff
- Nathan Schiff*
Exploring Retail Concentration: Restaurant Clusters
Discussant: Stephan Heblich
- Oliver Falck, Christina Guenther, Stephan Heblich*, William R. Kerr
From Russia with Love: The Impact of Relocated Firms on Incumbent Survival
Discussant: Wen-Chi Liao
- Wen-Chi Liao*
Inshoring: the Geographic Fragmentation of Production and Inequality
Discussant: Tomoya Mori
01B. Thu 8:00-10:00. Housing Economics I (Longs Peak)
Chair: Edward Coulson
- Christian Hilber*, Teemu Lyytikäinen, Wouter Vermeulen
Capitalization of Central Government Grants into Local House Prices: Panel Data Evidence from England
Discussant: Andrew Hanson
- Andrew Hanson*, Zackary Hawley
Do Landlords Discriminate in the Rental Housing Market? Evidence from an Internet Field Experiment in U.S. Cities
Discussant: Thomas Davidoff
- Thomas Davidoff*
Financing Retirement with Stochastic Mortality and Endogenous Sale of a Home
Discussant: Edward Coulson
- Edward Coulson*, Lynn Fisher
Structure and Tenure: The roles of free-riding and uncertainty
Discussant: Christian Hilber
02A. Thu 13:30-15:30. Trade and Regional Economics (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Jacques-François Thisse
- Thomas Holmes*, John J. Stevens
Exports, Borders, Distance, and Plant Size
Discussant: Hajime Takatsuka
- Hajime Takatsuka*, Dao-Zhi Zeng, Laixun Zhao
Globalization and the Resource Curse
Discussant: Keith Head
- Keith Head*, Ran Jing, John Ries
Import Sources of Chinese Cities: Order versus Randomness
Discussant: Jacques-François Thisse
- Evgeny Zhelobodko, Sergey Kokovin, Jacques-François Thisse*
Monopolistic Competition: Beyond the CES
Discussant: Thomas Holmes
02B. Thu 13:30-15:30. The Housing Crisis (Longs Peak)
Chair: Raven Molloy
- DeCoster Gregory, William Strange*
Developers, Herding, and Overbuilding
Discussant: Paul Calem
- Jan Brueckner, Paul Calem*, Leonard Nakamura
Subprime Mortgages and the Housing Bubble
Discussant: Stuart Rosenthal
- Stuart Gabriel, Stuart Rosenthal*
Local Scale Economies in Loan Sales and Access to Mortgage Credit: 1994-2008
Discussant: Raven Molloy
- Raven Molloy*, Hui Shan
The Post-Foreclosure Experience of U.S. Households in the Current Housing Market Downturn
Discussant: William Strange
03A. Thu 16:00-18:00. Urban and Labor Economics (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Jason Faberman
- Nathaniel Baum-Snow*, Ronni Pavan
Inequality and City Size
Discussant: Mark Kutzbach
- Mark Kutzbach*, Fredrik Andersson, John Haltiwanger, Henry Pollakowski, Daniel Weinberg
Job Accessibility and Spatial Mismatch with Longitudinal Employment Data
Discussant: Henry Overman
- Steve Gibbons, Henry Overman*, Guilherme Resende
Real Earnings Disparities in Britain
Discussant: Jason Faberman
- Jason Faberman*, Matthew Freedman
The Urban Density Premium and the Distribution of Earnings across Establishments: Evidence on the Role of Entry and Exit
Discussant: Nathaniel Baum-Snow
03B. Thu 16:00-18:00. Culture, Networks, and Cities (Longs Peak)
Chair: Yves Zenou
- Jens Suedekum*, Stephan Heblich, Oliver Falck, Alfred Lameli
Dialects, Cultural Identity, and Economic Exchange
Discussant: Beatrix Brügger
- Beatrix Brügger*, Rafael Lalive, Josef Zweimüller
Does Culture Affect Unemployment? Evidence from the Roestigraben
Discussant: Marcus Berliant
- Marcus Berliant*, Masashisa Fujita
Is the `Wonderland of No Spatial Dimension' the Ultimate Goal of Regional Science?: Culture and Diversity in Knowledge Creation
Discussant: Yves Zenou
- Yves Zenou*, Helsley Robert W.
Social Networks and Interactions in Cities
Discussant: Jens Suedekum
04A. Fri 8:00-10:00. Theories of Agglomeration (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Wen-Tai Hsu
- Nathan Seegert*
A Dynamic Model of City Formation
Discussant: Pierre M. Picard
- Pierre M. Picard*, Takatoshi Tabuchi
City with Forward and Backward Linkages
Discussant: Victor Couture
- Victor Couture*
Knowledge spillovers in cities: An auction approach
Discussant: Wen-Tai Hsu
- Thomas J. Holmes, Wen-Tai Hsu*, Sanghoon Lee
Plants and Productivity in Regional Agglomeration
Discussant: Nathan Seegert
04B. Fri 8:00-10:00. Education and Sorting (Longs Peak)
Chair: Stuart Gabriel
- Dennis Epple, Maria Marta Ferreyra*, Brett Gordon
Charter School Entry in Market Equilibrium: The Case of Washington, DC
Discussant: David Albouy
- David Albouy*
Evaluating the Efficiency and Equity of Federal Fiscal Equalization
Discussant: Keren Horn
- Keren Horn*
Homeowner Investment Decisions and School Quality
Discussant: Stuart Gabriel
- Yuming Fu, Stuart Gabriel*
Migration and Economic Growth in China: The Role of Knowledge and Human Capital Spillovers
Discussant: Maria Marta Ferreyra
05A. Fri 10:30-12:30. Theory and Empirics of Agglomeration I (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- Kristian Behrens*, Cem Ertur, Wilfried Koch
Measuring localization using micro-geographic data: Is it unobserved heterogeneity or externalities?
Discussant: Holger Sieg
- Holger Sieg*, Jeff Brinkman, Daniele Coen-Pirani
Estimating a Dynamic Firm Location Model with Agglomeration Externalities
Discussant: Kurt Schmidheiny
- Jan Eeckhout, Roberto Pinheiro, Kurt Schmidheiny*
Spatial Sorting: Why New York, Los Angeles and Detroit attract the greatest minds as well as the unskilled
Discussant: Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- Klaus Desmet, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg*
Urban Accounting and Welfare
Discussant: Kristian Behrens
05B. Fri 10:30-12:30. Housing II (Longs Peak)
Chair: Lu Han
- Carlos Garriga*, Don Schlagenhauf
House Prices Boom and Bust: The Case of Spain
Discussant: Ping Wang
- Ping Wang*, Danyang Xie
Housing Dynamics: Theory Behind Empirics
Discussant: Gabriel Ehrlich
- Gabriel Ehrlich*, David Albouy
Land Values and Housing Productivities across Cities
Discussant: Lu Han
- Lu Han*, David Genesove
Search and Matching in the Housing Market
Discussant: Carlos Garriga
06A. Fri 14:45-16:45. Theory and Empirics of Agglomeration II (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Sanghoon Lee
- Vernon Henderson*, David Weil, Adam Storeygard
Measuring Economic Growth from Outer Space
Discussant: Jeffrey Lin
- Jeffrey Lin*, Hoyt Bleakley
Portage: Path dependence and increasing returns in U.S. history
Discussant: Gilles Duranton
- Pierre-Philippe Combes, Gilles Duranton*, Laurent Gobillon
The Costs of Agglomeration: Land Prices in French Cities
Discussant: Sanghoon Lee
- Sanghoon Lee*, Qiang Li
Uneven Landscape and City Size Distribution
Discussant: Vernon Henderson
06B. Fri 14:45-16:45. Neighborhoods and Individual Behavior (Longs Peak)
Chair: Jordi Jofre-Monseny
- Amanda Ross*
Crime, Police, and Truth-in-Sentencing: The Impact of State Sentencing Policy on Local Communities
Discussant: Matthew Freedman
- Matthew Freedman*, Emily Owens
Low-Income Housing Development and Crime
Discussant: Eleonora Patacchini
- Eleonora Patacchini*, Yves Zenou
Neighborhood Effects and Parental Involvement in the Intergenerational Transmission of Education
Discussant: Jordi Jofre-Monseny
- Matz Dahlberg, Peter Fredriksson, Jordi Jofre-Monseny*
On the dynamics of segregation
Discussant: Amanda Ross
Fri 17:00-18:30. Plenary in Honor of Jacques Thisse (Gray's Peak)
Chair: John Quigley (UC Berkeley)
- Vernon Henderson (Brown University), Yves Zenou (Stockholm University)
- Simon Anderson (University of Virginia)
- Masahisa Fujita (Konan University)
Fri 18:45. Cocktail Party Urban Economics Association (by invitation)
D&F Clock Tower, Floors 17-21
1601 Arapahoe Street, Denver
07A. Sat 8:00-10:00. Topics in Agglomeration (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Elisabet Viladecans Marsal
- Clément Bosquet*, Pierre-Philippe Combes
Agglomeration Economies in Academic Research
Discussant: Tatsuhito Kono
- Tatsuhito Kono*, Yuuki Mitsutani, Kirti Kusum Joshi
Clustering of Stores in Center and Suburb with Consumers’ Imperfect Information
Discussant: Megha Mukim
- Megha Mukim*
Industry and the urge to cluster: a study of the informal sector in India
Discussant: Elisabet Viladecans Marsal
- Raquel Marín López, Jordi Jofre Monseny, Elisabet Viladecans Marsal*
On the mechanisms of agglomeration: Evidence from the location of new manufacturing firms in Spain
Discussant: Clément Bosquet
07B. Sat 8:00-10:00. Empirics of Fiscal Policy (Longs Peak)
Chair: Teemu Lyytikäinen
- Raphael Parchet*, Beatrix Brügger
Culture and Taxes: Towards Identifying Tax Competition
Discussant: Gerald Carlino
- Gerald Carlino*, Robert Inman
States Fiscal Policies and the Economic Crises: Will the ARRA State Stimulus Stimulate the Economy?
Discussant: Ricardo Politi
- Ricardo Politi*, Enlinson Mattos
Tax base choice and tax mimicking: evidence of ad-valorem tax interaction in Brazilian Basic Basket Food.
Discussant: Teemu Lyytikäinen
- Teemu Lyytikäinen*
Tax Competition among Local Governments: Evidence from a Property Tax Reform in Finland
Discussant: Raphael Parchet
08A. Sat 10:30-12:30. Empirical Urban Economics (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Carlo Menon
- Jeanne Tschopp*
Does Occupational Composition Matter? Evidence from Germany.
Discussant: Gabriel M Ahlfeldt
- Gabriel M Ahlfeldt*, Georgios Kavetsos
Form or Function? The Impact of New Soccer Stadia on Property Prices in London
Discussant: David Cuberes
- David Cuberes*
Internet Usage and City Size
Discussant: Carlo Menon
- Carlo Menon*
Stars and Comets: an Exploration of the Patent Universe
Discussant: Jeanne Tschopp
08B. Sat 10:30-12:30. Transportation and Cities (Longs Peak)
Chair: Jeffrey Zax
- Adam Storeygard*
Farther on down the road: transport costs, trade and urban growth in sub-Saharan Africa
Discussant: Rosa Sanchis-Guarner
- Rosa Sanchis-Guarner*, Steve Gibbons, Teemu Lyytikäinen, Henry Overman
Productivity and employment impacts of agglomeration: evidence from transport improvements
Discussant: Jeffrey Zax
- Jeffrey Zax*, Ryan Hall
The effects of congestion on the propensities to telecommute and to commute off-peak
Discussant: Adam Storeygard
09A. Sat 13:30-15:30. Structure of Cities I (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Efthymia Kyriakopoulou
- Wouter Vermeulen*
Growth controls, agglomeration externalities and welfare in a system of heterogeneous cities
Discussant: Alex Anas
- Alex Anas*
Metropolitan Decentralization and the Stability of Commuting Time
Discussant: Efthymia Kyriakopoulou
- Efthymia Kyriakopoulou*, Anastasios Xepapadeas
On the Structure of Cities: Emergence of Residential and Industrial Areas under Environmental Policy
Discussant: Wouter Vermeulen
09B. Sat 13:30-15:30. Neighborhood Effects (Longs Peak)
Chair: Yong Suk Lee
- Stephen Gibbons*, Olmo Silva, Felix Weinhardt
Do neighbours affect teenage achievements? Evidence from residential change
Discussant: Stephen L Ross
- Stephen L Ross*, Jason Fletcher
Estimating the Effects of Friendship Networks on Health Behaviors of Adolescents
Discussant: Gregory Verdugo
- Gregory Verdugo*
Public Housing Magnets: Public Housing Supply and Immigrants' Location Choices
Discussant: Yong Suk Lee
- Yong Suk Lee*
Tracking vs Mixing in Secondary Education: Implications on Location Sorting and Intergenerational Mobility in Korea
Discussant: Stephen Gibbons
10A. Sat 16:00-18:00. Structure of Cities II (Pikes Peak)
Chair: Jan Rouwendal
- Hesham Abdel-Rahman*
Specialization, Diversification, and Mixed System Cities with Multiple Types of Workers
Discussant: Dao-Zhi Zeng
- Toshiaki Takahashi, Hajime Takatsuka, Dao-Zhi Zeng*
A Minimalist Model of the Home Market Effect
Discussant: Chia-Ming Yu
- Chia-Ming Yu*, Marcus Berliant
Creative Capital and the New Geography of Classes
Discussant: Jan Rouwendal
- Jan Rouwendal*, Hans Koster
Mixed Urban Land Use
Discussant: Hesham Abdel-Rahman
* Presenter