Urban Economics Association

Logo UEA 2020 London

10th European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association


At the London School of Economics
April 24 - 25, 2020
London, UK

Call for Papers

The Urban Economics Association (UEA) invites the submission of high quality papers dealing with the economics of cities, housing, real estate, transportation, local public good provision, the spatial distribution of activities, economic geography, and urban or regional policy. The Urban Economics Association seeks to promote participation and excellence in academic research in urban and regional economics.

The 2020 European meeting will be hosted by the London School of Economics, UK. For more information, please visit the conference website at: http://www.urbaneconomics.org/meetings/emuea2020/

Keynote Speakers: David Weinstein (Columbia) and Pablo Fajgelbaum (UCLA)

Local Organizer: Daniel Sturm (LSE)

Program Committee: Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI, Chair), Elisabet Viladecans (Universitat de Barcelona, Past Chair), Ferdinand Rauch (Oxford, Vice Chair), Gabriel Ahlfeldt (LSE), Pierre-Philippe Combes (Sciences Po), Ben Faber (Berkeley), Gabrielle Fack (Paris Dauphine), Naomi Hausman (Hebrew University), Ines Helm (Stockholm), Camille Hémet (Ecole Normale Superieure), Christian Hilber (LSE), Joan Monras (UPF), David Nagy (CREI), Olmo Silva (LSE), Helen Simpson (Bristol), Lin Tian (INSEAD), Nick Tsivanidis (Berkeley), Yanos Zylberberg (Bristol)

Submission: Please submit your paper or extended abstract through the online submission form at https://editorialexpress.com/conference/emuea2020/

Submission Deadline: January 10, 2020

We accept both individual submissions and the submission of complete 4-paper sessions. Submitting a session provides an opportunity to network with colleagues and shape your session in the way you find most appealing. Papers in complete sessions will still be vetted individually as the scientific committee reserves the right to regroup papers with other sessions. To submit a complete 4-paper session please first submit each paper through the conference maker website and then send the proposed session, including names and paper titles to emuea2020@urbaneconomics.org. For those proposing a complete session, we encourage the inclusion of papers by researchers whose primary affiliation is in an allied field (e.g. labor, public, trade, development, etc.) but where the paper has clear and strong relevance to urban economists. We accept the submission of extended abstracts. However, all else equal, preference will be given to completed papers. You will be notified in early February 2020 whether your session or paper is accepted.

Kraks Fond Prize: If you are a current full-time PhD student and would like your paper to be considered for the Kraks Fond Prize, please choose the area "Prize for Best Student Paper" when submitting your paper. A paper is eligible only if all (co-)authors are full-time PhD students at the date of the conference. A shortlist of student papers will be presented in special prize sessions. See more details at at http://urbaneconomics.org/meetings/awards.html

LSE Kraks Fond