4th European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association
At the 54th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI)
August 26-29, 2014
St. Petersburg, Russia
Program Committee: Kristian Behrens (UQAM Montreal), Eleonora Patacchini (Syracuse) and Jens Suedekum (Duesseldorf, Chair)
Conference Program
There are no discussants in UEA sessions this year.
01A. Wed, Aug 27, 11:00-13:00. Theory (B-140)
Chair: R. Borck
- T. Morita*, K. Yamamoto
Birth of Cities: Division of Labor and Transportation Costs
- M. Wrede*
Continuous Logit Polycentric City Model
- M. Berliant, M. Fujita*
The fine microstructure of knowledge creation dynamics: reporting further advances
- R. Borck*
Will skyscrapers save the planet?
01B. Wed, Aug 27, 11:00-13:00. Immigration (B-141)
Chair: C. Ozgen
- O. Levkovich*, J. Rouwendal, P. Naticchiono
Location choices of highly-educated foreign workers: the importance of urban amenities
- G. Barone, G. de Blasio, A. D'Ignazio*
Mr. Rossi, Mr. Hu and the politics. The role of immigration in shaping natives’ political preferences
- L. Gobillon*, M. Solignac
Homeownership of immigrants in France
- C. Ozgen*, C. Peters, A. Niehbuhr, P. Nijkamp, J. Poot
Immigration and Firm Productivity: A Comparative Analysis of Germany and the Netherlands
02A. Wed, Aug 27, 14:00-16:00. NEG theory (B-140)
Chair: M. Pflüger
- S. Kichko*, S. Kokovin, E. Zhelobodko
Trade Patterns and Export Pricing Under Non-CES Preferences
- M. Parenti, J. Thisse, P. Ushchev*
Toward a theory of monopolistic competition
- T. Tabuchi, J. Thisse*, X. Zhu
Technological Progress and Economic Geography
- M. Pflüger*, T. Tabuchi
Services, Comparative Advantage and Agglomeration of Economic Activity: A Ricardo-Marshall Model
02B. Wed, Aug 27, 14:00-16:00. Taxation and local public finance (B-141)
Chair: D. Montolio
- T. Saarimaa*, J. Tukiainen
Common Pool Problems in Voluntary Municipal Mergers
- M. Roller*, K. Schmidheiny
Mobility and Progressive Taxation
- A. Ross*, K. Wolf
Do Market-Based Tax Incentives Attract New Businesses? Evidence from the New Markets Tax Credit
- D. Montolio*, S. Planells Struse
The effect of football matches on crime patterns in Barcelona
03A. Wed, Aug 27, 16:15-18:15. Labor markets (B-140)
Chair: U. Zierahn
- S. Brakman*, C. Van Marrewijk
Agglomerations, and cities in China: on the effectiveness of sorting
- W. Dauth*, S. Findeisen, J. Suedekum
Adjusting to Globalization: Evidence from Heterogeneous Worker-Establishment Matches in Germany
- O. Shepotylo*
Deregulation and productivity: selection or within-firm effect?
- T. Gregory, A. Salomons, U. Zierahn*
Technological Change and Regional Labor Market Disparities in Europe
03B. Wed, Aug 27, 16:15-18:15. Parking and traffic policy (B-141)
Chair: I. Ossokina
- E. Inci*, R Lindsey
Garage and Curbside Parking Competition with Search Congestion
- B. De Borger, A. Russo*
Lobbying by Retailers and Urban Traffic Policy
- H. De Groot, I. Ossokina*, C. Teulings
The welfare effects of transport infrastructure changes: a spatial general equilibrium perspective
EPAINOS 01. Thu, Aug 28, 11:00-13:00. Local labor Markets (A-138)
Chair: B. Boualam
- G. Faggio, T. Schlueter*
Local multipliers in local labour markets - A case study of the move of the German government to Berlin
- A. Taskin*
Sorted and Settled: Migration Decisions of Dual Income Families
- B. Boualam*
Getting a first job: quality of the labor matching in French cities
EPAINOS 02. Thu, Aug 28, 11:00-13:00. Urban economics (A-139)
Chair: P. Charnoz
- S. Waights*
Gentrification and displacement in English cities
- M. Bléhaut*
How does a change in risk perception affect the housing market ? Evidence from an industrial accident in France
- P. Charnoz*
French enterprise zone program : did it help the residents of deprived neighborhoods ?
04A. Thu, Aug 28, 14:00-16:00. Trade, transportation and localization (B-140)
Chair: H. Xu
- Y. Murata*, R. Nakajima, R. Tamura
Testing for localization using micro-geographic data: A new approach
- K. Behrens*, M. Brown, T. Bougna
The Determinants of Agglomeration Redux: Transportation, Trade, and Input-Output Linkages
- Y. Konishi, S. Mun*, Y. Nishiyama, J. Sung
Measuring the value of transport time for inter-regional trade
- H. Xu*
'Revisit' the Silk Road: A Quasi-Experiment Approach Estimating the Effects of Railway Speed-Up Project on China-Central Asia Exports
04B. Thu, Aug 28, 14:00-16:00. Housing and land markets (B-141)
Chair: G. Ahlfeldt
- J. Dekkers, M. Micheli*, J. Rouwendal
Border Effects in House Prices
- J. Zax*
Housing allocations, imputed rents and inequality in urban China
- E. Oikarinen*, E. Valtonen
Regional variation in the elasticity of supply of housing, and its determinants: The case of a small sparsely populated country
- G. Ahlfeldt*, D. McMillen
New Estimates of the Elasticity of Substitution of Land for Capital
05A. Thu, Aug 28, 16:15-18:15. Regional development and growth (B-140)
Chair: R. Florax
- E. Lin, S. Peng*, C. Yu
Housing Market and Agglomeration of Rent-Seeking Activities: Implications for Regional Development
- T. Cavalcanti, D. Da Mata*, F. Toscani
Winning the Oil Lottery: The Impact of Natural Resource Extraction on Growth
- D. Castells-Quintana*, V. Royuela
Malthus living in a slum: Urban concentration, infrastructures and economic growth
- R. Florax*, W. Masters, M. Motamed
Agriculture, Transportation and the Timing of Urbanization: Global Analysis at the Grid Cell Level
05B. Thu, Aug 28, 16:15-18:15. City size distributions (B-141)
Chair: H. De Groot
- W. Hsu, T. Mori*, T. Smith
Spatial patterns and size distributions of cities
- R. González-Val*, A. Ramos, F. Sanz-Gracia
A new framework for US city size distribution: Empirical evidence and theory
- H. De Groot*, M. Kamphorst, P. Mulder
The Urban Hierarchy Unraveled: A Meta-Analysis on the Rank-Size Rule
* Presenter